Monday, August 14, 2006

Litter Box + Baby = Cabinet

Here is a before & after shot of the cabinet we bought and fixed up to house the kitty's litter box.

Not only did we not want a litter box a few feet from our kitchen table anymore, but we also wanted to protect our soon-to-be-crawler from eating little nasties.
Be bought the cabinet for $10 from Craig's List (what a deal!), and added some paint and some molding, cut an entrance for the cats and voila!

It sounds simple now, but was a good learning experience for us in the fine art of mitering.

We are very happy with the results! Posted by Picasa


Sally said...

It's very cute & quite a good deal:)

kimi said...

you should market these bad boys! I'm not kidding! put it up online and see what you get? it's as good if not better than the tag ball idea!

Cori Lewis said...

That is really cool! but the question is, can Addie fit into the hole?