Thursday, December 22, 2005

Addie the Jealous

Just a quick little anecdote...

We think that Addie is a little, well, a LOT taken on daddy. She is as the pediatrician said, " a daddy's girl." The doctor then said. "That's Ok, daddies buy the cars."

Anyhow, Addie doesn't like any of my affection directed anywhere else or so it seems. When I returned to the apartment after running errands for a couple of hours, I went to kiss Niki, who was laying on the couch. Addie, lying in the bassinett a couple of feet away, sensed impending PDA. No sooner had our lips met, then Addie deposited the loudest, liquified-sounding substance into her diaper.

Our reaction was that of great laughter, as it seemed the Addie availed herself of the opportinuty to disrupt a would-be romantic moment.