Monday, June 05, 2006

Who Needs Lipstick?

Only woosie girls need lipstick...
We tough girls, we just suck on our lips until they turn purple.

We put Addie down for a nap and she looked like a fairly normal baby. When I got her up, I was startled to see that her lower lip was purple! First I thought she had sucked on her dress (it was blue) or maybe the purple blanket in her crib....

but when we really looked, we realized that she had sucked her lip during her nap and had sucked long and hard enough to burst blood vessels and give herself a purple lip. She burst some blood vessels on the end of her tongue too.

Forget Hoover! Addie Spangler has sucking power! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...
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kimi said...

eeeewwww! can you delete the creepy we don't know who you are post?