Monday, October 05, 2009

Colic should be a 4 letter word

We would like to publicly blame the lack of blog posts over the last month to a rotten addition to our home- colic. At 4 weeks Scott turned from Mr. Happy-Sleepy baby to Mr. Scream-A-Lot baby. We have ruled out a sesitivity to milk or caffeine, and we're pretty sure it's not reflux, so now have just resigned ourselves to accepting colic and looking forward to it leaving in another month or so (that's when we've heard it usually goes away). Scott will be two months old tomorrow, and despite the crying and screaming, we are enjoying him. I'll try to post more pictures soon- when my arms finally don't have a baby in them.

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Kristin said...

I was such a treat to get to chat with you for more than 2 minutes yesterday! I'm sorry to hear about the colic and pray for some breaks from it each and every day. Hang in there!

Becky Frame said...

You might try a chiropractor. One appointment is fairly inexpensive. That was what my little niece needed.

Carl, Melitsa & Aiden said...

Sorry you guys :( Colic sure is rough! For us it ended right around the 3 month mark and Aiden is now the happiest (if not slightly naughty) little boy!