Sunday, January 23, 2011


This blog is supposed to be all about our family adventures and Greg's first trip to the local emergency room certainly qualifies, so I thought I'd blog about it.

We were sitting on the couch one night, minding our business, watching TV, when Greg started going at his eye. Thought he got a speck in it, and it was really irritated. This went on for quite awhile, him mentioning it ever 20 minutes or so, and we noticed his eye was starting to really swell. We gave him some Benadryl, waited a little while longer, and now his eye was almost swollen shut!
He went into the bathroom to rinse it out, and called me in to see THIS-

WARNING- gross picture to follow

the bottom of his EYEBALL was bulging out. Ew gross! (it looked worse in real life than the picture shows, but gives you an idea). At that point, we looked at the clock, realized it was after 11 at night, did a little WebMD research, and realized we were gonna take a little trip to the ER.

Here's how he looked before we left.

We were so thankful for our friend Michael Channel who was able to come over and stay with the sleeping kids while Greg and I took off.

Getting in the car at 11:30, when it's below freezing outside, and Greg's eye is now swollen all the way shut, and he declares "date night"! :)

We found out the local ER is quite close, not at all busy late on a Sunday night, and really pretty nice. The doctor took a look at it and thought it was an allergic reaction to some random speck Greg got in his eye, gave his a steroid shot, and sent us on our way.
It took two days for the swelling to go away, but eventually Greg was none the worse for wear, and we came out with something to blog about that isn't our kids!
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