Monday, May 08, 2006

Happy Mother's Day! Pt.2

And of special consideration for the "Mother of the Universe" award, we would like to nominate the following actions:

-Niki was a very stubborn kid. Her mom once had to sit on her in order to pull out an extremely loose tooth. She also endured crying screaming tantrums every time she left Niki with a babysitter for who knows how many years.
-Greg’s mom brought chocolate shakes to school for him for a week when he had his teeth pulled in eighth grade (she would go early and leave them in the cafeteria for him)
-Niki’s mom shut down her whole life to home school her child so she wouldn’t get behind in school while ill
-Greg's mom took him sky diving for his 18th birthday and jumped out of the plane too
-When Niki broke her collarbone in high school, her mom did everything- I mean everything- for her for months.
-Greg’s mom not only made our wedding cake, she brought most of it on dry ice from Phoenix, then baked the top in an "Otis Spunkmeyer" cookie oven in her hotel room, and immediately after our ceremony rushed to the reception to assemble the whole thing!

We love you both so much and are so thankful you are our moms!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You made me cry, you little twits!

kimi said...


Thanks mom! I hope I can be just like you when I grow up.