Tuesday, May 02, 2006

More Doctor Visits! Are You Kidding Me?

As if we hadn't been to the doctor enough lately- for Addie- now I've gotten to go more- for me.

After that fun little dizzy thing a few weeks ago (see "Dizzy Dame" below), I went back in to the ear, nose, and throat doctor for a little follow-up. He wanted to get my thyroid checked since it felt a little enlarged to him so off I went for 1) a thyroid ultrasound, and 2) a blood test (goodie goodie).

The results showed that my thyroid is a bit enlarged and my TSH levels are off, indicating something isn't quite working right in there, so this morning I got to go see an endocrinologist. (Seriously, I can't keep straight all these doctors! I have to keep a master list!)

He said that I have hypothyroidism, which, to make a long story short, is making me feel fatigued and have some memory loss (i.e. not being able to remember the names of all the doctors). And I just thought it was because my child won't sleep through the night! Seriously, it is a BIG blessing that the ear nose & throat doctor picked up on the fact that my thyroid seemed enlarged and had tests done. The blood test showed that my TSH levels- which indicate a properly working thyroid- were at 58. They should be at about 2, with medication we should get them to about 3! Whoa!

I'll be starting a new medication at the end of the week, after the doctor looks over the results of more bloodwork that was done today to double-check everything. He says I should start feeling "normal" again within a week or two. Are you kidding? I DO feel normal! Having energy will feel so abnormal!

We have a lot to learn about this new adventure in Niki's body. The doctor says it will probably be something I take medication for for the rest of my life. It also might explain a lot of things in my medical past though, which is kinda great and interesting. We'll keep you posted as we learn more!


Cori Lewis said...

A list? your mom should be so proud of you!