Sunday, July 16, 2006

103 Degrees And I'm At the Pool

Whew! It was HOT on Saturday! We went to the pool with the Kropf family and snapped this picture of Addie in her swimsuit. I got her the sunglasses that morning at a yard sale. Sure, they're a little boyish, but they keep the sun out of her eyes.
We decided to spare you the pictures of Addie's parents in their swimsuits, but we will include a shot of the sunburn I got from forgetting to put sunblock on my back. Posted by Picasa


kimi said...

she's SO Stinkin cute! does she really wear them or does she grab them off her face as soon as you put them on?

kimi said...

she's SO Stinkin cute! does she really wear them or does she grab them off her face as soon as you put them on?

Greg, Niki and Addie said...

She really wears them! She is really good about leaving them on! She is also good about leaving on hats and not taking out hair bows!

kimi said...

shut up! too cute! I'll find some good ones!