Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Major Breakthrough

Well, it is a very good day at the Spangler house.

Some of you know that Addie has been sleep challenged since day one. Though she finally began sleeping through the night, putting her down for naps and for bed was really difficult still. She would not go to sleep- just cry and scream- unless she was rocked and swaddled. It was exhausting and frustrating and we had tried many times to break her of it.
Well, today was the day we had set to try again. We planned to use a program called "Sleepy Time"- oh it sounds cheesy until you are desperate- then it could be called anything and you wouldn't care. Anyway, we were all set for battle- we had a plan and we had been praying about this a lot!
The first nap of the morning came and it was time to put Addie down without rocking her, without swaddling her, and prepare for an hour of screaming. I was dreading it!
I did what the plan suggested- used a long routine to help her settle down, gave her a lovey to cuddle with, and out of the room I went. She started crying. Five minutes and still crying (no biggie- we're used to this!). But at minute eight, something strange happened. Instead of getting madder and screaming harder like usual, she got quieter and then quit. Nothing! Silence! Could it be?! I thought she was winding up for a big protest, but another minute of quiet went by. I thought she was playing, but then another minute of quiet. Yes folks, she fell asleep. On her own. Perhaps you don't realize just how amazing that is to us- it is BIG.
At her second nap of the day, it happened again. She fell asleep in six minutes. It was amazing. It was fantastic. It was great.
So if you'd like to see some happy parents, come to our house. We will be glowing for quite awhile.


kimi said...

WOHOO! Yeah for you guys! finally some sleep! and happier people!

The Spaids said...

Congratulations! I know how hard it is when your baby cries and cries. Maggie has started to "look forward" to being put in her crib for naps and bed time. She rolls over, grabs her lamb, and into la-la land she goes. Yay!!!