Just in case the last 24 hours weren't exciting enough for us, Addie decided to finally pop out some normal teeth too! This morning I was routinely checking the gums and found these strange sharp objects in her mouth! Her bottom center right has definetly popped through and I think her bottom left too- but she isn't really cooperating and letting me get a good look. Maybe soon she'll be able to chew some food instead of gumming it to death! Hooray!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
First Steps
Last night just before dinner, Greg was trying to get Addie to stand by herself. Usually, when I try this, I let go of her and she cries and immediately sits down. For Greg, sometimes she will try to balance herself and stand for a couple seconds.
Well, last night she not only stood, she took 3 little steps! You should have heard us hollering and cheering! (she cried angrily through it all, but hey).
This picture captures us trying to make her do it again, but all she wanted to do was cry and sit down.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Fun at the Pumpkin Patch
On Saturday afternoon we went to visit Lombardi Ranch- the local pumpkin patch. Not just a pumkin patch, Lombardi's offers live music, food, a corn maze, a sunflower patch and scarecrow contest, petting zoo, pony rides, and more!
Which one? This one, no, this one!
What a place! We danced to "Monster Mash" and ate corn on the cob, visited a few of the animals, and toured the sunflower patch.Smile!
Unfortunately, Addie's first visit was tainted with having not napped due to reflux, so she wasn't her normal smiley self. She did enjoy looking at all the people of course!
Got pumpkin?
More Fun at the Pumpkin Patch
Good thing this bunny didn't think Addie's finger was a carrot!
We tried to get Addie to look at the horses, but the sun was in her eyes and she was WAY more interested in the people around her.
We enjoyed strolling through the sunflower patch path lined with scarecrows made by various community groups. Here is "King Corn"...
and "G.I. Jack-O-Lantern."
You're So Corny
Let's Go Fly A Kite...
We took advantage of a warm and windy Saturday afternoon to go fly a kite at a nearby park. We had a great time!
Greg gets the kite up...
Niki takes a turn
"Look at the kite Addie! Do you see it? There it is! Whoa! That's some wind!
(Actually Addie was more entertained by the people walking their dogs past. She even signed "dog" for the first time).
Get Outa My Way!
Coming through! Watch out! With her new walking toy, Miss Addie is cruisin'.
She took this walking thing seriously, as you can tell by her face.
Addie walked out to the garage with us on her own yesterday, then walked back and forth between Greg and I, then back inside too!
(I love this picture- look at those chubby little legs)
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Signing Time
We have been borrowing a sign language video that Addie loves.
(The repetetive songs are so drilled into Greg and I's heads that we sing them all day long.)When I sit Addie on the couch and start the video she puts her hands out in front of her in anticipation. She hardly signs along at all, but hold her hands there- like she's waiting for a instant ability to just wash over her- she has to have those hands ready just in case. It cracks me up!
Cute New Outfit
Thursday I put Addie in this cute new outfit that our neighbor Jen gave us. It is deep blue velvet and looks so cute on Addie. It had a thorough initiation since Addie wore it to the doctor's office and went in cute and came out covered in brown slime and urine.
Addie is still not feeling well- she sleeps very poorly and is very fussy, which are classic signs that she is in pain. Before we upped her reflux medication dosage AGAIN, the gastro Dr. wanted to rule out any infections or other icks that could be the problem (a good move). So we went to the pediatrician for the normal tests (look in the ears, look in the throat, pee in the bag). On Wednesday Addie wouldn't pee in the bag, so we went back Thursday. Unfortunately, I decided to nurse her while we were waiting for her to pee and the bag didn't really hold.
Which I found out because my lap got warm all of a sudden.
So pee on her and pee on me, but enough in the bag to run tests. Then we needed to wait to talk to the doctor, so I gave her a biter biscuit for the first time. She loved it and it passed the time well, but the wonderful dissolving cookie got smeared all over her face, hands, outfit, and hair. Oh the fun!
We finally made it home. The final verdict was no signs of infection so her medication dosage was increased. We saw a little improvement for about 12 hours, and then she was a mess again. Usually we watch her for a few days and then call back the gastro with more info and then we go from there. She is kind of a mess in the mean time, but we're trooping through!
A Spiffy New Look
A makeover as it were, for the blog. We thought we would make a few changes to the Spangler Family Blog. Hope you like it!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Beauty and...
The Beast
Fun Times
My Tummy Hurts
Cursed Reflux! We have been having a terrible time lately, lots of whining and not-so-much sleeping.The other day, I left Addie sitting up, watching a video on the couch, went around the corner to the kitchen, and when I looked in on her a few moments later found her like this.
Poor thing.
At least she cute when she's pathetic.
The Communicator
What an exciting thing to report! We can communicate with our daughter!The big event- THE FIRST WORD.
It started a few weeks ago when Addie seemed to make the "da da da" sound at appropriate times, but we weren't convinced. Then, while looking at a picture of Greg, she put her finger on his face, looked at me, and clearly said "Da da!" A few days later, when Greg got home from work and came around the corner, Addie jumped up and down and yelled "Da da!" Now she says it all the time- when she sees him or his picture (and sometimes at other people that she really likes).
A few days later, she said mama twice, but hasn't done it since.
Addie has also started signing her first words. She signs "all done" and "more" very well. Sometimes she understands what she is saying, sometimes she just likes to do it and watch her parents get all excited. Even though it isn't completely consistent yet, it is so nice to have her tell us when she is done eating, instead of starting to whine and scream.
(This is her signing more)
Let the talking begin!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Cohnan & Laura Come For A Visit
The weekend after we were in Seattle, Niki's cousin Laura and her husband Cohnan came down from Washington for a visit. We had such a good time!
Laura & Cohnan relax in the red chair. This chair belonged to Niki's great-grandfather, who, incidently, was Laura's great-grandfather too. (Also incidently, he was the husband of the first Adelyn, Niki's great-grandmother).Addie liked her "Aunt Laura" a lot! (calling her a first-cousin-once-removed seemed a little complicated)
Our little flirt. Addie isn't just limited to oozing sweetness on her daddy. As long as all these men are related to her, we're fine with it.