Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Welcome Back Word From Addie

Hello everyone! I’m back after a long break from blogging. My parents had an awful time getting their router/modem replaced but it is finally fixed. You all missed a month of good times with me and I am ready to catch you up.

I have been having a lot of fun and doing some exciting new things! I will tell you about each adventure in a separate blog post with pictures.

As far as health goes, I had been doing well until the last week or so. My medication for reflux was doing the trick and I was a chipper, happy little cutie pie. Last week I started not feeling so great again and was under-slept and cranky, but mom has been talking with the doctor and I should be feeling better again soon (I get more of my medicine now).

Hope you enjoy all these new posts! Love to you all!

-Addie Posted by Picasa