Saturday, October 21, 2006

Cute New Outfit

Thursday I put Addie in this cute new outfit that our neighbor Jen gave us. It is deep blue velvet and looks so cute on Addie. It had a thorough initiation since Addie wore it to the doctor's office and went in cute and came out covered in brown slime and urine.

Addie is still not feeling well- she sleeps very poorly and is very fussy, which are classic signs that she is in pain. Before we upped her reflux medication dosage AGAIN, the gastro Dr. wanted to rule out any infections or other icks that could be the problem (a good move). So we went to the pediatrician for the normal tests (look in the ears, look in the throat, pee in the bag). On Wednesday Addie wouldn't pee in the bag, so we went back Thursday. Unfortunately, I decided to nurse her while we were waiting for her to pee and the bag didn't really hold.

Which I found out because my lap got warm all of a sudden.

So pee on her and pee on me, but enough in the bag to run tests. Then we needed to wait to talk to the doctor, so I gave her a biter biscuit for the first time. She loved it and it passed the time well, but the wonderful dissolving cookie got smeared all over her face, hands, outfit, and hair. Oh the fun!

We finally made it home. The final verdict was no signs of infection so her medication dosage was increased. We saw a little improvement for about 12 hours, and then she was a mess again. Usually we watch her for a few days and then call back the gastro with more info and then we go from there. She is kind of a mess in the mean time, but we're trooping through! Posted by Picasa