Monday, November 27, 2006

New toys and Playthings at Grandma's

Among the highlights of Thanksgiving with Greg's family this year, were the many new toys that Addie got to play with. Greg's Mom, (aka. Memaw) helps Addie with the Farm Time See'n' Say.
Addie was particularly enamored with the Tigger Airplane push-n-ride airplane. It makes LOTS of greats noises and sounds. The foam propeller spins and lights up. The handle bars have six buttons, some of which make Tigger talk about the "THparkly lighths" (prounounced with the Tigger lisp).

Greg's cousin Jason, originall from Pennsylvania, now living in Arizona, spent the day with us at the house, keeping conversation lively and keeping us in stitches. Posted by Picasa