Sunday, June 03, 2007

High Scores, High Temps

An exciting weekend at our house...

Some of you may not know that we are Cavs fans around here (Cleveland Cavaliers), out of loyalty to Niki's half-sister Carolyn, who is married to the Cav's coach, Mike Brown. Well there was a big game on Saturday and the Cavs beat the Detroit Pistons, taking them to the NBA FINALS for the first time in the history of the team! It was a very exciting game and we were extra thrilled to see lots of shots of Mike with his sons, our nephews, accepting the Championship trophy after the game. They are the cute boys in red, in case you're not sure.

We had some more excitement today (Sunday) when Addie came down with a fever of 103. Yuck. There isn't any obvious sign of what she is fighting, so our best guess at this point is it's the ears again. We will be visiting our dear friends at the Pediatrician's office AGAIN tommorow! Poor thing, she is more pathetic even that "normal" sick Addie and we are giving her lots of cuddles and video time. We'll let you know what we find out. I'm sure this illness will do a good job at distracting us during the long wait for Thursday night's playoff game between the Cavs and the San Antonio Spurs.

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