Friday, June 15, 2007

Our Wedding Video

Being that it is the eve of our Sixth Wedding Anniversary (Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, 6!), we just finished watching our wedding video. It is a tradition for us to watch it on each anniversary and we have found that we say the same things each year. So here is a synopsis for you- read carefully- you just might find your name below.

-Wow, we were skinny!
-Oh, we miss Pastor Philip's accent!
-Hey, remember how sick Jessica was? She looks like she's going to puke going down the aisle!
-Here comes Brooke and her "good reading voice"
-Who's idea was it to surround Greg like a Nascar pit crew? Do you think it was Joe? No, I'll bet it was Brad & Mark
-Hey, there's Quincy- we need to call him (we really do say this every single year)
-Hey, there's Paulo- we need to call him (really)
-Hey! There's the Rios Family! We need to call them (are you sensing a theme yet?)
-I can't believe we kissed during the ceremony before the proper time. Ha ha!
-What a great ceremony
-Push fast forward- let's watch the groomsmen dance during prayer
-There's CW!
-Wow. Mark (Spangler) and Laura (Tagliere) (who walked down the aisle together) don't look any different (this is stated in a slight air of disgust)
-Here comes "the huncher"
-Thank God for Carl Barnes and all this great video
-Our reception was fun
-There's Aunt Dewey!
-Who thought it was a good idea to give Niki a mic? (I'm embarrassed watching myself every year)
-Greg, you're SMOOTH with a mic
-There's the Vances, the Doyles and the Fays- look how little their kids are!!!
-Hey, I wonder what Mark Tatlock is going to say?
-There's Dan- he married Randy Alcorn's daughter- he's cool
-There's Lori Johnson and Dhon Wellons seperately. Wonder if they would have believed us if we told them they'd get married some day
-Jim & Jamie Daggs are hilarious- we're gonna miss them!
-Someone's wearing some BLUE eyeshadow! (then Greg says) Electric Youth!
-Kelly & Susan Coudsy are funny too!
-Chris Kropf looks so young- had he started shaving yet?
-Ah, Joe's toast was the best
-Look at that cake!!! How'd she do that?
-With the rowdy crowd at one table, you'd never know there wasn't alcohol served
-Did we ever thank Nicole Rehman enough? CAN we ever thank Nicole Rehman enough?
-Melissa- I didn't mess it up!
-There goes Hector...
-Ruth "Hip Check" Dyer- is there a statute of limitations on catching the bouquet?
-Thank you, Niki's friends, for telling Greg he's NUMBER ONE!

There are a LOT of inside jokes in this post. Maybe, if you beg, we'll explain A FEW.


The Spaids said...

We are going on 8 this year - same weekend. I still remember all those CUTE kids from Sunshine in the ceremony, so well behaved! So glad I got to be there!

Sally said...

I was so mad I didn't get to go.... it was a few days after the school year ended & pretty sure flying 7 people to California wasn't in the budget, but I still remember how mad I was....

Amy said...

Happy Anniversary, you guys!! Niki, I can't believe I knew you when you were single...seems like a long time ago, eh?

I'm saddened by the fact that I wasn't at your wedding. Weird, eh?


kimi said...

I can't believe I knew you when you were single too. just kidding. Cheers to you guys for making it look so easy! Walking with God and teaching you daughter all the good stuff. I'm so proud to be your sister. love you!

DellaRose said...

black ribbon spotting?
"we've shared sooo much"

kimi said...

I forgot that I was the huncher. Every single picture I was hunched in. what a tool. now when I have pictures taken that always comes to mind. ha! but my hair was AWESOME that day (thanks Sarah!)