Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Pt.6

Our decorations, leftovers from the Fall Fellowship decorations at church
Our table, all set up pretty. I was so excited to use our china and silver!
Here's the gang- ready for feasting! Notice that Timmy the cat tried to take my seat when I got up to take the picture.
Here, Chris reads Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation after our meal. If you've never read this, it is a wonderful and God honoring statement to the nation calling for a day to thank God for all His blessings. A great reminder of the origins of Thanksgiving and the real purpose. You can find it online, but it is also printed in a great book put out by Family Life Today called "A Thanksgiving to Remember." It was a great way to end our meal, along with a time of sharing what we are thankful for.

Greg and I mentioned that this year we are expecially thankful for the adversity of Addie's health and the way God has used it to grow us and demonstrate his love for us. We are also thankful for the book we read this spring: "Money, Possessions, and Eternity" by Randy Alcorn. It changed the way we look at so many of our choices and the pull toward materialism that we face, especially in Southern California. We have been spurred on to look forward to our eternal home in heaven- one more thing we are thankful for!

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