Thursday, May 21, 2009

1st Test Done and Helpful!

Yeah! Addie was a rock star through the gastric emptying scan and it is done! She laid still and sailed right through. The doctor called us last night with the results and the test actually gave us some helpful info! (That is more than I even hoped for). It turns out her stomach is emptying a little slower than normal. It's not extreme by any means, but it does prove that reflux is still going on. Up until now, all diagnoses and prescriptions were based on educated guesses (granted, by very experienced drs, but still), and me being the kind of girl who likes PROOF, I was very excited to see some hard facts. Of course, I'm also relieved to know we're not seeing anything really alarming going on. We can only hope next week's test will be so helpful!

Greg and I leave tomorrow for Palm Springs- to sit by a pool and read and rest. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?


Mark Baker said...

That is great news you found something with that test.

Hope you guys have a great time away.