Thursday, May 28, 2009

Whew! We're done!

We are so happy to announce that Addie sailed through her endoscopy this morning like a CHAMP! She was so brave during admitting and while getting ready for the procedure (VERY quiet and watching EVERYTHING, but brave). She bravely rode away in the hospital bed down the hallway, while Mommy and Daddy tried to be brave watching her go. Ugh.

Just 30 minutes later the doctor came out to let us know it had gone well. He biopsied several spots from her stomach and we'll hear the results either tomorrow or Monday. We got to sit with her until she woke up. She was groggy at first, but soon was smiling. No panic, no throwing up, so I was THRILLED. Pretty soon we got to get her back in her clothes and take her home! She's spent the day being pretty sleepy, but happy, and we think that's great! And what a relief to have it over with!

Most likely the doctor will let us know that he saw nothing of concern. The whole point of doing this test was to make sure that after 3 years of reflux, the medications are doing their job and preventing any damage to her stomach or esophagus. So what we want to hear and expect to hear is that everything looks fine in there. This opportunity gave us a peek into how difficult it must be for parents of very ill children. Addie's test was minor and easy, yet still scary for us, and we couldn't imagine how hard it would be to be in a hospital with your child if there was a serious health concern going on. We are so thankful for the measure of health we've been allowed.

In other news, my parents have gone home after a week of grandparent time. We all enjoyed having them, but probably we didn't enjoy it as much as Addie, who was in grandparent heaven. She had a blast with Poppy and Grammie, and vice versa.

Also, Greg and I got to spend a night away in Palm Springs. It was a lovely, peaceful break from the busy life we've been living. My favorite part was sitting in the adults only pool at the resort and feeling weightless. THAT is a good feeling when you are 7 months pregnant! Greg's favorite part was sitting on the terrace of the mexican restaurant where we had dinner, eating chips, talking, and enjoying the warm evening air. Our days were also enhanced by our visit to Galco's Soda Pop Stop, which we'll talk about more thoroughly in another post.

Oh! And I (Niki) also has my 30 week check-up with the doctor this week. Scotty seems to be doing really well and growing right on schedule. I've had some new aches and pains, but evidently they are all really "normal" for a second pregnancy. Two more weeks and we'll get to do another ultrasound and see our little guy! He had his first round of hiccups today, and is giving me big kicks now.

I think that just about updates everything! We are really looking forward to a peaceful week ahead- free from doctor's appointments, travel, and other busy-ness!


The Kaemingk's said...

So glad to hear that everything went well! You know, if you keep referring to the little pumpkin as "Scotty", that may quickly become his name! :)

DellaRose said...

yeah for all tests going well! maybe i should test my tummy ...doesn't sound fun...maybe not...but i wonder...