Thursday, June 24, 2010

Early Mornings and Anniversary

Scotty has a terrible habit of waking EARLY in the morning. The other morning he awoke at 4 something and my dear husband got him up and took him downstairs. When I came down later I found them like this- cuddled together and asleep on the livingroom floor.
In other news, Greg and I celebrated our NINTH anniversary last week. Can you believe it?! We went out to dinner at Le Chene, a local french restaurant, then came home to enjoy dessert and a movie on Greg's new ITouch. I totally surprised him with it, and his excitement over it was my favorite part of the anniversary! We had such a great night reflecting on God's grace to us over these nine years and how much has changed in that time. Though it doesn't sound like such an exciting night, everything was so enjoyable, and we both thought it was one of our best anniversaries ever.

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The Kaemingk's said...

Yay! Congrats on nine years! And is that the awesome thrift store shirt find?! If so, it looks great!!!

Sally said...

Congrats on your anniversary Niki and Greg! I'm glad you were able to have time together. :)

DellaRose said...

ha! sometimes it doesn't take beat that first one for sure ;)