Friday, June 11, 2010


Some of our neighbors have little boys the same age as Addie, and they were going to do this cool experiment involving worms in a jar. I thought it might be fun for us to do it too! So we got the jar all ready, got the worms, and Addie was all ready to go. Here's what happened:

Mom: Are you ready?
Addie: Yes!
Mom: Let's put those worms in the jar!

Mom: OK, reach in and get a worm!"

Addie: I don't like how it feels! (whining...)
Addie: (screeching...) Eeew! Eeew! Eeew! I don't want to touch it!!!!!

(after several prompts that were met with more screaming)

Mom: Calm down, you don't have to touch it

mom laughs so hard she can barely take pictures, dad learns what it is to have a little GIRL

Yay! Daddy will hold the worm for me!

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