Monday, September 27, 2010

Overdue Update

Well, I have been waiting to update the blog until I could do so with pictures, but we have a new computer and haven't found the easy way to download pictures just yet, so in the meantime, I better just start telling the story of our Great Move to Texas!

The big move-out weekend came and we were super busy. We ran around town on Saturday picking up the moving truck (Greg drove a Penske truck full of our worldly possessions across half the country!), getting Scotty checked out by the doctor one last time, and then going to our Good-Bye Party at the Kropf's.

The good-bye party was wonderful, from the "Ya'll Come Back Now, Ya Hear?" banner, to the huge tiramisu and fruit tart from Porto's. It couldn't have been better. We cried lots of tears, saying good-bye to such dear people.

The next day was Sunday and that night we had to say our good-byes to our church family. It was one of the most gut-wrenching experiences of our lives. Greg attempted to stand and say farewell, but after about two sentences he got too choked up and I had to jump in and finish. I was crying pretty hard too, but managed to choke out the words and evidently we made almost every woman in the sanctuary cry. Our church family really had become family to us, and saying good-bye to them was incredibly hard.

The next chapter in the story is Move-Out day, and I'll tell you more about that next time.