Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Good-Bye to the other Spanglers

In the midst of all of our good-byes, we had a very quick visit from Greg's brother Mark, and his family. They had to come to LA for something else, and brought Greg's mom with them so she could be with us during the move. We had to say our good-byes to them too, since they were moving to France just a few weeks after we moved to Texas! Mark & Jess will be in France for about a year, doing language study in preparation for heading to Cameroon as missionaries. They brought along our niece Ally, the oldest of their four, so we got to see her too!

For some reason, Scotty just was delighted with Mark! He couldn't keep his hands off Mark's beard and he laughed and laughed.

Ally & Addie say a little good-bye.
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