Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kindergarten Stuff

Here are some pictures of Addie celebrating "100 day" for school. We reached 100 days pretty late in the school year because we only counted days that we did school at home (not TEACH theme days or field trips). Each day we added a number to the chart, and when we reached 100, we had a super-fun day. Here is Addie with the chart, wearing her 100 crown.

Making "100 snack mix"- 10 pieces each of ten different snacks. And you can also see the legos we counted out to see how tall of a stack we could make with 100 pieces.

Addie and Scott playing 100 pin bowling on the Wii.

Our special "100" dinner! (Breakfast for dinner- bacon and pancakes with apple butter)

This fun day was just a few weeks ago, yet here we are having now finished Kindergarten. Hooray! We had such a fun year together and learned so much. Last night we celebrated the grade completion by going to the bookstore and allowing Addie to pick a new book. Then we went to get frozen yogurt, and strolled through Southlake Town Square. The kids played around the fountain and we spun in circles in the gazeebo, and mommy even got a reward! A pretty little blue glass tumbler from Anthropology! A great end to a great school year.
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