Saturday, October 15, 2011

Leaves, an excuse for a man toy

The home where we're currently living happens to have a lot of oak trees on the property. A lot. And with a lot of oak trees, come a lot of leaves. Since Greg and I have been apartment dwellers for all ten years of our marriage now, we have felt a little deprived from yard work, so we look at this as our chance to get outside and make up for lost time.

We have done a good portion of leaf raking by hand, but Greg had his eye on Randy's manly Cyclone Rake, and last Saturday he finally got to use it.
This beast of a machine sucks up the leaves like a vacuum and deposits them into trash bags which are set up on the cart you pull behind the thing. I will agree, it is pretty cool.
Greg had a great time using it, and spent about 3 hours going after the leaves. We filled about 27 bags. That's a lot of leaves!

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