Friday, October 14, 2011

Playing Around

A few shots of the kids at play recently...

Addie playing dress-up, and I took a picture because the two of them climbed into the chair together and were just so cute sitting there!
Also, this was a good day because I realized her hair has finally grown out long enough for pigtails. Hooray!

Addie in her bible costume we made for school. This year in school we'll be learning about the Old Testament, and now she'll have a costume for acting out stories. We had so much fun going to the fabric store together to pick out the fabric, and it was a snap to make- no sew! She loved putting it on, and we pretended she was "Lydia, a seller of purple cloth." So when Dad and the Busters came home from work that night, she met them at the door and offered cloth for sale. So cute!

And as usual, Scotty really wanted his picture taken too.
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