Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Lately, this is the face Addie makes while concentrating on something (usually standing or stepping). She sucks both lips, or maybe just the top lip, into her mouth (depending on the level of concentration).

I can't believe I am also posting a picture of me sick on this blog site. I am trusting you all to love me anyway.
Yes, I have been sick, I caught it from Greg who was sick last week. Addie got small bits of it both times but seems to have fought it off better than we did. In case you are counting, that is 3 illness for her in the last month.

And for those of you interested in a health update for her- we saw her Gastro on Monday to go over her reflux issues. She hasn't been sleeping through the night consistently (maybe 2 nights in a row and then it's over) or sleeping soundly during naps. We have been adjusting the dosages on her medicines but having difficulty getting everything under control. His thoughts were that it is too hard to tell what is bothering her with so much illness going on and we'll just have to keep watching once she stops being sick (will that ever happen?). We will be working hard to keep her from being exposed to any other germs and then if she is well for a few weeks we will start trying to wean her off one of her medications again. We are really thankful for a good doctor who is being very helpful. At our last visit he looked over her chart and said "It seems like a year's worth of issues just in the last month!" We agree! Posted by Picasa