Tuesday, August 01, 2006

If John Wayne were a Baby Girl…

Well, we know we are her parents so we’re supposed to think our daughter is wonderful and better, smarter, sweeter, and cuter than all other babies, but we also think Addie is TOUGHER.

There have been no posts lately because taking care of Addie has been non-stop craziness for the last two weeks. I knew her Acid Reflux was out of control, but she was also acting like she was teething (being a novice, I wasn’t sure). We saw one gastroenterologist, who was a real stinker, exchanged countless phone calls with the pediatrician, switched her medicine three times (which also meant numerous calls and visits to the pharmacy), and still we had a wild and unhappy kiddo who was sleeping poorly and fussy constantly while awake. Last Friday we got to see a second gastro, who was wonderful. He explained what was happening, why, and what we could do about it. He gave us a clear plan to work Addie onto another medication that should work better and gave us hope!

But by Monday, after Greg spent another night watching “Finding Nemo” with Addie at 3 am (to stop the screaming and try to tire her out so she would go back to bed), he thought I should get the teething thing checked by our regular pediatrician and make sure there wasn’t an ear infection or something. I was sure they would look in her mouth and ears and say “She’s just teething mom, wait it out.” But the doctor checked and said “She is teething, and she has an ear infection.” Good grief!

Right now, Addie’s nursery looks like a pharmacy! She now takes 4 medications each day (Axid, Prevacid, Amoxicillin, and Tylenol), but hopefully they will help her poor little body get a winning edge. Lord willing, in a little over a week she will only be taking the Prevacid, which should control her reflux better. I am hoping we can go a few days without being on the phone with a doctor’s office or pharmacy.

Hopefully soon we will have more happy cute posts to share with you all.

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kimi said...

YOU HAVE TO GET THE veggietales I love my lips to play on this page! TOO CUTE! Hope she's feeling better! We're praying for you! Hurry up here I miss you!

The Spaids said...

It definitely helps to have a cute baby when you are going through all of that. Those cheeks are just SCREAMING to be pinched, kissed and raspberried!!! Maggie is teething again, it's not so much fun. Hang in there. Love- Mel