Sunday, February 11, 2007

Disneyland Pt.2

It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all...

Are you singing it yet?

The first thing we did after entering the park was to go to Small World. Here, Niki's sister Kim waits in line. Notice the sunny weather- it was suppossed to rain this day, but it didn't, and so the lines were REALLY short!
Here we are!

Later, we took Addie on "Pinnochio's Daring Adventure" with my parents. It was a bit dark and scary for her. (you can see it got colder by the evening) Posted by Picasa


kimi said...

I'm a hottie boombalottie. ;) kidding. totally kidding.

Had SO much fun with your girl! SHE'S SO CUTE!