Thursday, August 30, 2007

Decisions, Decisions

Some of you may have noticed our long blog silence over the last week or so. Yes, there was a reason for that. We have been in the throes of major decision making for several weeks now and boy are we tired! Finally, we THINK all has come to a rest and the dust has settled, so we can share it with all of you.

The big decision, that a lot of other factors in our life hinged around, was a job offer for Greg to transfer/ promote to a large hotel in downtown L.A. This would be a big promotion, with lots of added responsibility. It would be a great career step forward. It was a great opportunity, but much in the same way that it would be if your friend told you he would sell you a Mercedes at a great price because it needed a little "fixing up." Still a good opportunity, though not easy or perfect. And here's what made it not perfect, and a hard decision for us: it would add a 2 hour (at least) daily commute to Greg's day. It would also require longer work hours to boot. It would change Greg's 48 hours a week to... well, we don't even want to think about it. Probably 60 hours a week plus the commute (12 hours a week).

Well, we prayed and sought counsel and realized there wasn't an easy choice. We made lists and talked about it and talked about it. Finally, we decided to move forward and take the job. We started to spread the word- we wouldn't be moving to Dallas for awhile, we were staying put. And then... yes, there's an "and then"...

We had no peace about it. I mean none. We both felt heavy hearted and tense. The Lord allowed there to be some gliches in the salary negotiation process that gave us a few more days to think about it. We realized that for us, time as a family is more valuable than anything else. The toughest times in our marriage are when we don't have enough time together. We also realized that what we had hoped to gain through the promotion were things we could live without or the Lord could provide through other means. And none of them were worth what we'd be giving up for them.

Thankfully, Greg had not yet officially accepted the offer and spoke to his supervisor, who seemed to understand completely. So now what? We have decided to still aim for Texas, though it may be a year or two out still. Only God really knows what will happen in the future for us and when it will happen, we just want to be sensitive to His leading and follow His route.


Amy said...

Wow, lots of things going on down there! Thanks for the update...I've been thinking about you guys a lot. I know the Lord has just the perfect opportunity for Greg...Love you guys!

Sarah said...

Decisions like that are sure hard. Though I'm glad you'll still be around for a little bit - the perfect new position is in God's timing. :)

kimi said...

oh my goodness! I'll have to say that when I heard what he was going to be doing (commute wise) I said a little prayer for you guys. I commute a ton and if and when things change for me family wise that will probably have to change too. it's rough to be gone that much! anyway. I think you guys made a very WISE choice. I'm proud of you. it wasn't the easy choice. but the right one for you guys.

Erica said...

I will be praying for you guys. Isn't it comforting to know that the Lord is in control and has a perfect plan for you all? :-) Love you all!

DellaRose said...

wow, so no new job...reading your reasons and i am peacefully happy for you...and seeing as i am working two new jobs at the moment...i think i have enough to spread...just met most of the directors in SF yesterday and they are all drooling over all of our cool new stuff... my director is a young guy, he is totally a gentleman and i think it will be very comfortable working with if i can only find some shoes that will be comfortable...look dressy and be sturdy enough to kick open the screen you both...thanks for being great friends!

Sybrand and Beth de Swardt said...

Sounds like you chose the eternal over temporal gain. A wise choice that really honors God!