It's Wednesday on Easter Mountain- the silent day. This is the only day of the week that the gospels don't mention anything happening on (that's a badly phrased sentence, but I'm feeling too lazy to fix it right now). But just wait 'till tomorrow- and this mountain will be one busy place!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Passion Week: Tuesday
Welcome to Tuesday on Easter Mountain!
This morning we discovered that the fig tree Jesus cursed yesterday had withered! Then we read about how Jesus, back in the temple, taught the people and ANGERED the religious leaders. Addie and I talked about one of the many things he taught that day: the greatest commandment. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.... and the second is like it; you shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Last night Greg and I listened to a message by one of our old college professors, Doug Bookman, in which he explained how much Jesus' teaching went against the Sadducees and Pharisees. He asked the question, "given Sunday (the triumphal entry with crowds praising Jesus), why Friday (the same crowd calling for his crucifixion)? His answer was "Monday & Tuesday." Jesus' statements on this day intentionally incited the leaders to the point of murderous planning. And those leaders found their way. Today we also learned about Judas betraying Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
On a side note, I had to tell you what fun we had at dinner last night. I was going to Trader Joe's yesterday anyway, and since Addie and I had been discussing figs yesterday, I thought it would be fun to get some so we could all try them! I found some dried figs and a recipe online for "Pork with Lemon, Fig & Ginger Compote." It was deeeelicious and so fun to incorporate something we had been learning about into our dinner!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Passion Week: Monday
This morning we read and talked about Jesus cursing the fig tree.
(Mt. 21:12-22, Mk 11:22-26)
Thankfully, our pastor just preached on this passage a few weeks ago, so I was all ready to explain it! I learned that Jesus cursed the fig tree because it did not have fruit as it should, and it was a symbolic judgement on Israel. The tree was not doing what it was created to do, and neither were the Jewish people. They were created to worship and glorify God, and instead were about to reject His Son. So Addie and I talked about this a little bit this morning. We talked about how to be a fruitful tree today and do what God created us to do. Then Jesus went to the temple and cleansed it, calling it a "den of robbers."
(Lk 19:45-46)
(That's a picture of the temple back there in the picture) :)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Easter Mountain
This year we decided to start a new Easter tradition- one we've been looking forward to doing for a few years now. We got the idea from Noel Piper's book "Treasuring God in our Traditions" and have seen our friends the Kaneversky family do this activity with their kids in years past. It's called "Easter Mountain."
You make a big 'ol lump of dough and shape it into a mountain. You make a little cave in the front and put holes in the top for stick crosses too. Then you bake it and paint it. You also make the aforementioned stick crosses, and lots of little pipecleaner people. Each day of the passion week you use the mountain and the people to act out the events of the day.Here we are, after making and baking; painting the mountain (OK, more of a hill, but it will work).
While the paint was wet, we got some dirt and rubbed it on top to make it realistic. In front of the mountain is our stone- ready for action on the right day! We poked little holes all over the mountain so we could stick in the legs of our little people and they can stand up.
So today's activity to act out was Jesus' triumphal entry. Here is our Jesus, riding the Donkey from our Resurrection Eggs. He wasn't near the mountain for this picture because it's paint was still drying. :)
As we meditated on the triumphal entry today, we couldn't help but think it wasn't really that triumphal. What a sad day for our Lord, to enter the city He loved and have the crowds cheering for Him, knowing they would reject and kill him in just a few days. Entering the temple, His Father's house, and seeing it filled with "robbers," then crying over the city. It just makes us more thankful for His sacrifice for us and gives us even more to celebrate on Easter morning.
Also this week, we will be spending some family worship time using the Resurrection Eggs and a book called "Benjamin's Box" that goes with them. Addie loves opening the egg(s) each night and talking about what is in them. There are other activities we'll be using too, to help us focus and worship during such a special week. We'll try to post a daily update on the activities on Easter Mountain so you all can follow along!
If you'd like to make your own Easter Mountain, the instructions are posted here:
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Addie's First Trip to the Dentist
I took Addie for her first visit to the dentist yesterday. It could have gone worse, but it sure could have gone better. See, Addie likes to know what she's getting into before she gets into it, so new experiences like this are a challenge for her. I tried to talk through every aspect of the dentist with her before we got there, but when a few things came up she didn't expect, we had some tears. OK, a lot of tears.
It began with getting X-rays, which made her gag a little. Then the tears started. The hygenist, who was the BEST EVER, quickly stopped the x-rays and moved us on the the cleaning. Addie climbed up into the chair, while I tried to make everything fun and interesting ("oh look! The dentist chair looks like a banana!" "Hey wow, pictures of teeth on the wall!" "Let's take a picture of your first visit to the dentist!").This is Addie's enthusiasm for the picture as we got started.
As soon as the chair tilted back, the tears begun again. Then, "I want to go home." Oh no, I thought, how do I snap her out of this so we can get this finished? Distractions? Extra affection and encouragement? Threats? Well, we got through it with a little of everything. Here's another shot of her being thrilled. We managed to get her teeth polished and got a floride treatment.
Then the dentist checked her teeth and pronounced them good. See how much fun she is having?
I felt a little silly taking pictures, but now I am glad I did! I want to remember this- and make her remember it- when she is older! Once we were walking out the door, her demeanor changed completely and she was a happy little ray of sunshine. Mommy, on the other hand, was still a bit frazzled.
Overall, we got a clean dental bill of health, Addie came out in one piece, and last night at bed time prayers, cheerfully thanked God for the banana dentist chair and all 20 of her teeth.
Pulling Up to Standing
Scott's newest accomplishment is going from sitting and pulling himself up to standing.
The other day I put him in the crib to play and he was more interested in watching his Sis than in the toys in his crib. This is how I found him (he's up on his knees, peeking over). Addie had to ham it up for the camera.
And here he goes again, on a kitchen chair.
Such a fun thing!
Scott's other new accomplishment is making progress at sleeping through the night. We have tried EVERYTHING with him, and he still was waking up in the early morning hours. Well, it seems we are finally making some progress as he's slept two nights in a row without waking, and last night only woke at 6 am. He is still sleeping in our room until he sleeps through the night without waking, because we don't want Addie awake in the middle of the night too, so we are hopeful he will keep up the good work and can be moved into his crib and out of our room SOON!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Santa Monica Pier
Peter & The Wolf
A couple of weeks ago, we were invited by our dear friend, Jenny Trees, who plays the oboe with the L.A. Junior Philharmonic, to go to a performance of "Peter & The Wolf." Since Addie already knows the music, and loves "Ms. Trees" we thought it would be a lot of fun to take the kids! We had SUCH a great time!Here's Addie and Greg, all dressed up and ready to go!
And Scott and I too!
It was a great opportunity to take the kids to something "cultural," especially since it was an afternoon performance, and they could nap in the car on the way there. Greg and I were excited too, not just for the good music, but because the narration of the story was performed by none other than Dick Van Dyke!
Here's Jenny and the man himself.
During the concert the orchestra not only played "Peter and the Wolf," but also a medly of songs from "The Music Man," and a medly from "Mary Poppins."
AND- to really tickle me pink, during "Supercalifragilistic..." 'ol Burt himself came out on stage dancing! 84 years old and he could still cut a rug like no one else! What a treat to see it! I was in heaven!
We were so delighted to have gone; since hving the kiddos we don't get out as much for concerts and theater and the like. Now not only did we get to go, but the kids got to experience it as well. Thank you Jenny for bringing some culture back to our lives!