Thursday, March 11, 2010

Santa Monica Pier

While we were in Santa Monica, after the "Peter & the Wolf" performance, we decided to enjoy a sunny afternoon in Southern California! Can you believe it? Greg had never been to the pier! So we took in the sights.

A nice family shot with the ferris wheel in the background.
Greg poses with the kids in front of the pier sign, but it came out looking pretty awkward. Doesn't Addie look just thrilled to be held up like this and photographed at a busy street corner?
There was a trapeze set-up that was fun to watch for a few minutes. Addie liked the "acrobats." We also watched some breakdancers and got some popcorn!
And the highlight of Addie's experience, the "Pier Patrol" ride with mommy. Hey, if you have to sit on a little yellow car and go round and round a track to tinny music, at least you can look at the ocean and enjoy the sunshine while you ride!
Just a bonus shot of me & Scott.
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