Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pulling Up to Standing

Scott's newest accomplishment is going from sitting and pulling himself up to standing.
The other day I put him in the crib to play and he was more interested in watching his Sis than in the toys in his crib. This is how I found him (he's up on his knees, peeking over). Addie had to ham it up for the camera.

And here he goes again, on a kitchen chair.

Such a fun thing!

Scott's other new accomplishment is making progress at sleeping through the night. We have tried EVERYTHING with him, and he still was waking up in the early morning hours. Well, it seems we are finally making some progress as he's slept two nights in a row without waking, and last night only woke at 6 am. He is still sleeping in our room until he sleeps through the night without waking, because we don't want Addie awake in the middle of the night too, so we are hopeful he will keep up the good work and can be moved into his crib and out of our room SOON!

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kimi said...

SOOOOOO CUTE! he's a little tank! how does he pull up all that mass!

LINDA said...

This is the happiest I have seen seen that boy. He's turning out to be a hunk of cuteness!

Sally said...

You have an adorable little boy! :)