Monday, October 11, 2010

Last Dinner with the Kropfs

A few nights before we left, the Kropfs were kind enough to make us dinner and have us over. It was so sweet of them, but pretty sad to go over for dinner one last time.

In honor of such a special event, I brough out my very best outfit for Brooke.

A little background for you folks: since early in our friendship, Brooke and I have had a running joke about black T-shirts. Brooke is of the opinion that a certain "type" of person wears a black t-shirt with the name and/or face of a country music star on it. I am of the opinion that I have one of those shirts and I do not smoke cigarettes behind the high school, nor do I have a mullet.

I do not wear said shirt ever, I just have it. Well, for our last supper I pulled it out of the back of the closet and put it on. I could barely contain myself, waiting for Brooke to answer the door. Here is her reaction.

Another special moment from our last dinner together- Grant and Addie praying with us before the meal.

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