Friday, August 29, 2008

Texas Update

Most of you know that there has been talk from us in the past about moving to Dallas. We are still interested in doing that, and thought we'd give a little update about what's going on with that now.

The whole process was put on hold for the last year, since we made a commitment to Greg's boss to stay put. But, a few weeks ago, Greg had his annual performance evaluation, at which time his boss said he would approve a transfer if Greg wanted it. That's good news, since in Greg's company, your area supervisor has to approve before the company will transfer you. So step one is taken care of. Incidentally, Greg's boss also gave him a glowing evaluation, and stressed that Greg is over-qualified for his current position and would be better suited for a larger location. Yeah!

The second step is finding an opening in Dallas, and there IS one open right now. It is much larger than the property Greg works now, so we're not sure if it will be the right fit or not, but it looks like a good opportunity, so last week Greg made the first steps in applying for the position.

The next step would be to interview with the Dallas area director, who happens to be out of town for awhile, so we are just sitting tight where we're at. Whether or not Greg would get the position is a big unknown, also we don't know how willing the company will be to transfer someone period, so nothing is a sure bet at this point.

The bottom line? We have NO IDEA what is going to happen, but that's OK. We have a great deal of confidence from knowing that God is sovereign and He will put us where he wants us, when He wants to. There are many great things about staying where we're at. There would be many benefits to moving too. If you think of it, pray that we will depend on the Lord and His wisdom and have peace as we make big decisions. Thanks!


The Kaemingk's said...

Wow! This is an exciting turn of events. However, I have to selfishly say that I will be very sad if you leave Southern Cali right after we move there! :) But we will still pray for wisdom for you both and patience during a time of possible transition.

Carl, Melitsa & Aiden said...

Well, you know what we will be praying for :)... no, we will be praying for God's guidance for you guys as to what the next step would be for Greg, whatever that may be, but it sure would be nice if His will WAS for you to be in Dallas! :)