Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 16 Rollercoaster

Well, we've made it to week 16! It has been a week of big ups and downs. My belly has really popped out, which was fun.... we'll call that an up. Then came Tuesday. Tuesday was the worst day I have had to date. I was incredibly sick without stop all day and had a headache to boot. I can't even describe how this sick was worse than regular sick, but oh boy, it was.

Then yesterday, Wednesday, the exact opposite happened! I had the BEST day yet. I just didn't feel sick all day. It was amazing! (Well, a little bit in the afternoon and evening, but it was so little, it barely counts). I tidied up our bedroom, washed a few dishes, made myself some lunch (Addie was with our friends the Bruyninckx family that day). I was on cloud nine! I took it slow and was careful not to do too much, but I even got to sit outside with the sunshine on my face for awhile. Let me tell all you "well" people not to take that for granted- that is a wonderful feeling. Then, last night, I got to feel the baby moving. What fun! I've felt little movements over the last few days, but wasn't sure of them. Last night I was sure it was the baby. What a treat.

I'm not sure what to expect after yesterday. Was it just a good day and will stand alone? Is it the beginning of improvement? Of course, I hope the latter, but I'm trying to be ready for either. Today I do feel queasy, but just a little, and for now I am feeling pretty functional. I even changed a poopy diaper this morning.

Hopefully there will be more good news to post in the future!


DellaRose said...

sending love and hugs

Sarah said...

Oh Niki! I'm so happy for your great day! I truly hope and pray that you'll have more of those. :)