Friday, February 06, 2009

Same 'ol, Same 'ol

I haven't updated recently because everything is pretty much the same. This week has been a bit tougher since I haven't gotten any breaks up until now, but maybe today will be better! We saw the doctor yesterday and all seems fine. I have gained weight (yeah!) and am now back to what I weighed when I got pregnant. We got to have a quick ultrasound yesterday because the doctor had a hard time finding our kiddo in the womb with the heart beat monitor. Once we saw him on the ultrasound we heard the heartbeat going strong, which was a relief, and did another gender check. Still appears to be a boy, although not as clear a shot as last time. I am at 14 weeks along now, so we're making progress!


DellaRose said...

love you, hang in there...meanwhile, I saw Wicked last it so want to play the lead in that!