Friday, March 06, 2009

It's A Boy!

Well, it's official! We got to have our 18 week ultrasound yesterday and the doctor confirmed that we are having a boy! I am starting to think he might be a compliant boy too, because even though he was in the breech position with the ambilical cord between his legs, he still gave us a look. Just as the doctor was about to tell us "sorry, no luck getting a look," the little guy turned just right and we got our shot. What a good kid.

We all three went to the appointment and it was suppossed to be so exciting to find out the gender and for Addie to see the baby on the ultrasound, but the excitement was severely diminished by Niki having day 3 of a splitting headache (now on day 4), and Addie coming down with a fever while we were out.

Regardless of feeling yucky, we are still excited, and now can't wait to feel better and start getting ready for our son!


Mark Baker said...

Congrats! And I'll be praying that everyone starts feeling better.

Amy said...

yay! a boy to round out the spangler family and for greg to teach how to fix stuff and grill! so excited for you guys. i'll keep you in my prayers. :)

Kempiz said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You are having a boy!

Nikki, now your nasea will be from when little Greg jr. walks in with a freshly crushed snail in his little hand and says, "Look at what I found outside Mommy, can I keep it?" all the while it's guts and slime are dripping all over your freshly vacuumed carpet.

And the headaches will come from all of the banging and bouncing, taking things apart and attempting to put them back together, chasing (of him) and racing (to see what he's done this time) - and you, my friend, will love him all the more for it.

Boys are full of adventure and wonder. They want to discover everything around them. You will also be the most beautiful woman in the whole world to him and he will follow dad around like a monkey, doing whatever he does.

I am really excited that you are having a boy, Nikki! :) You are going to love every minute. I know I have (threefold)!