Monday, March 02, 2009

Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back

We were doing so well....
Then at the end of last week, Greg and I both got what we are assuming was food poisoning. That is our best guess because it hit us hard in exactly the same way, but Addie didn't get it at all. We had eaten some take-out Chinese food, so it seems like a reasonable conclusion. Anyway, it was gross and no fun at all. Greg is back to normal and feeling fine. I am not feeling the effects of the food poisoning anymore, but it does seem I've been a little set back in my pregnancy sickness progress.
I am still having some times without being nauseous, and thank goodness for that. And my appetite is really healthy, so that is good too. But it's very unpredictable when I'll feel good, and when I won't. I've gone back to being very sick in the afternoons and evenings. I am back to needing my medication most every day, and haven't bounced back yet to being able to take care of Addie. It's a bummer, but I'm still hoping that with a little more time I'll regain the progress I had made.
On the bright side, I did make it to church yesterday morning. It was the first time there since before Christmas! Very exciting! Also, I've reached 18 weeks and we see the doctor this Thursday. We should be having the "gender check" ultrasound. Hopefully our little guy will cooperate and give us a good look, so we can keep saying "little guy" and be sure about it! We hope to bring Addie with us so she can see "brother." I think she'll really like the experience. We'll let you all know if we get a clear gender answer!


Mom Linda said...

If "brother" turns out to be "sister", you are going to have real issues with Miss Addie. She was so funny yesterday--"No! Brother!"