Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ferris Wheel

And here it is, the draw of the night.

Some of you know that I am not a big fan of heights, so going up in the ferris wheel wasn't gonna happen for me! I stayed on the ground with Scott, and Greg took Addie up. I wasn't sure what she would think of being up so high....

She wasn't sure either, once she got closer and realized just how high it was.

Buying the tickets, and she's STILL checking it out, and not so sure.

Addie ended up liking the ride, even though she wasn't tall enough to see out of the car very well.

I enjoyed being on the ground with Scotty, who was making this face at me.

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kimi said...

I blame Dad for this. I am terrified of ferris wheels becuase he used to get us up there and mess around rocking it and such. I'm a little better now because I like the view but it's a white knuckle kinda thing...

DellaRose said...

dude, he needs to be a child model..what a flirt