Thursday, October 14, 2010


About a week after our arrival in Grapevine, Texas, one of the local annual festivals kicked off. Grapevine celebrates "Grapefest" each year, which celebrates the local wineries. Even though we don't like drinking wine (though I LOVE cooking with it!), we couldn't resist when we saw a big 'ol ferris wheel erected a few blocks from our new home. The adorable little main street was blocked off and filled with booths, and we couldn't resist.

Addie gives a thumbs up to the longhorn cattle
ice sculpture.

She also meets some locals.

There were many ways we knew we had arrived in the South. First, the humidity. Second, the hats and boots a few people were wearing, Third, the accents, and lastly, the presence of this Christian bookstore and coffee house (yes, you read that right). They had this sign, posted out front.
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kimi said...

our coffee stand at church is called solid grounds but if there was a public place that outwardly followed Jesus like that... they'd have my business on a daily basis. the south is looking better and better...