Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Brief Update

Sorry for the lack of new posts! Addie has been sick.... (I sound like a broken record).... and that has kept us busy.
Addie's reflux has been TERRIBLE lately. She isn't sleeping well overnight or taking good naps. For the last week & a half or so, we've all missed 2 hours of night time sleep almost every night! Her daytime naps are shorter than normal, so she is extra tired and extra cranky. It is the standard reflux behavior- tired but won't sleep, low tolerance for ANYTHING, clingy and wants to be held a lot.
She also has a rotten little cold that she shared with Niki (who is trying to keep an ear infection from taking over too!).
We are having little moments of sweetness here and there, but we haven't captured anything on film since we're both busy just trying to keep out heads above water! We want to thank our friend Dee Davis for coming over last week and spending over three hours keeping Niki & Addie company on a day when Greg had to work from 7 am to 9:30 pm. It was such a blessing to us!!!!
Addie sees the Gastro today and we are praying that he will have something to help us get our little girl feeling better again FAST! :)


Sarah said...

So sad for all of you. Addie seemed pleasant and charming when we saw her on Sunday - do those moments come and go even when she's not feeling well? I'll be praying for grace for you until "this too shall pass."