Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Post from the Present

I will continue to post pictures from our trip to Phx, but a quick update from the present should keep you up-to-date.

We are EXHAUSTED! We made it home Monday, Addie did OK on the drive, but her ears are still bothering her which led to some intense screaming at points. I'm taking her to the Pediatrician this afternoon to get that and the cough she has checked again, since she finished her antibiotic but is still suffering.

I (Niki) have come down sick too, and the virus is winning the battle. This is the third time sick since Thanksgiving, mostly from being exhausted I think. I'm trying to rest when I can- even though I still need to unpack everything and take down Christmas decorations.

My tooth is OK, I'm still on antibiotic to keep it from hurting too bad. I see the dentist tomorrow and we'll know more after that. No matter what, I will be having major dental work done soon- either a root canal or extraction (oh goodie!).

keep us in your prayers- we are looking forward to trying to establish normal again someday soon.