Saturday, November 01, 2008

Bobbing for Apples

The Myers-sponsored event for the night was bobbing for apples. Evidently, none of the kids had heard of this before, because as Ben was explaining it to them, they looked at hime like he was nuts. Stick my head in a bucket of water? Is this a prank? Finally, Tim Starr demonstrated for them, still wearing his big afro wig, and Addie really loved it. How do I know? Because she's told me about 10 times today that Mr. Starr got an apple and he was sooooo funny.

Here's Grant, contemplating this situation. He was veeeeery skeptical about sticking his head down there.

Finally convinced, he was helped by Ben Myers who lifted an apple up for him.

And for Addie too.

Here they are, eating apples (instead of candy) on Halloween night. They have some MEAN parents, huh? (Addie was pointing out clouds, by the way)


Chrisie said...

Oh so fun! I would be a bigger fan of Halloween if we lived in the Courtyard. Fun memories!