Saturday, November 01, 2008


Grant as "Bob the Builder" aka: construction man, with our bee girl.
Our friends the Espinos- Lukas was superman, mom and dad were Lois Lane and Lex Luther. Lewis shaved his head just for this! That's dedication.
The newlyweds of the complex: the Kelleys and the Starrs. Two couples without children (yet) who love all our children. We love them. Lisa, on the left, had my favorite costume of the night. A pregnant woman with pickles and peanut butter. Considering the amount of young families in this complex, and the fact that there's almost always a pregnant woman around, it was very funny.
A group shot- about 3/4 of the kids- in assorted costumes. Cowboys, princesses, a dog, an elephant, all having a great time.

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