Saturday, January 09, 2010

The Cake

To go with the theme of this year's birthday party, I attempted to make a cake based on one of Addie's favorite books, "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom." I copied one I saw online, and instead of complicated fondant decorations, cheated using a ribbon and refrigerator magnet letters, along with the plastic palm tree from the neighbor's VeggieTales Nativity play set. It came out great!
Addie counts her candles,
gets sung to,
and blows out the cake! Actually, blows all OVER the cake, which grossed me out, hence the face.

At the end of the day when she was all tucked in, we asked her what was her favorite part of her birthday and she said the CAKE. I couldn't have been more delighted! Well, she said the cake and the puppet show, so we were both happy parents. What a great birthday!

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