Friday, January 22, 2010

Greg Turns 35

35?! Yes, indeed. Greg celebrated his birthday last week. Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
Addie, Scotty and I joined Greg for lunch that day, then we had a special dinner at home. We had a quiet celebration with just the Kropfs for cake and a little playing of their Wii that evening.
What I will remember most about this birthday is that this was the year with the ugliest cake you've ever seen. I tried following a new recipe for "Carmel Cake" and it DID NOT go well. The cake itself was wonderful, but the carmel icing was a disaster. And while I was assembling it and realizing all was not going well, I managed to burn my finger in the process too! I ended up calling Greg on the phone cracking up, and telling him, "I'm sorry, but your cake is ugly and I burned my finger!" We decided it tasted just fine, despite the cosmetic disappointment.

And here is a shot of Addie, who learned to write Daddy's name that day. We thought it was pretty cool!

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