Sunday, May 20, 2007

Good Time with Poppi

While my parents were here visiting, Addie and her Poppi had a very good time together. Addie had been practicing saying Poppi before his arrival, but surprised all of us by her warm greeting when he arrived. She took one look at him, shouted "Poppi!" and went to him with open arms. Needless to say she owned him from that point on.

So here she is enjoying the new tea set her grandparents brought for her. See her pouring the tea?
I am pretty sure that my dad did not participate in girly tea parties with me when I was little (we did lots of other things, but not tea).
And here she is practicing her good posture (they were watching a video together, but one of them dosed off). And I'm sure you all wanted an up-close view of my dad's feet, so here you go.

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kimi said...

HA! no way, no tea parties. pillow fights and horsey rides yes, tea parties no. ;) looks like you guys had SO much fun! Dad is hilarious! she's got him right where she wants him! Mikayla too. totally funny.