Thursday, July 17, 2008


Sleep, I think, is an elusive beast.
I had never thought so much about sleep during all my years (stop laughing) than since we've added Addie to our family. It is the reoccuring issue of our home- lack of it anyway. When Addie doesn't feel well, it is the first thing to go. And I miss it!
So this last week we've had a touch of the flu- nothing really bad, just a bug with fever and EXHAUSTION. We all got it- even Greg- who spent one day sleeping in, then spending another 5 hours during the day sleeping more. Greg feels fine now, and Addie seems to be mostly better, except for waking at night (of course) and being extra cranky. I feel fine, except for the really tired thing.
The funny thing is, I'm up blogging right now while the rest of the family is asleep. Why? Because I can't fall asleep!!! All day when I want to sleep, I can't, and when I finally get the chance, I'm wide awake! And the worst of it is knowing that because I'm not sleeping now, I'll be more tired tomorrow! Augh! Oh well. God's given me the grace to get through each day so far and I'm sure tomorrow will be no different.


DellaRose said...

I love you!
i can't imagine how you do it...i need too much sleep...i don't think i can be a mother