Thursday, July 10, 2008

They Took Us Out to the Ballgame!

So all that money spent getting degrees from the Master's College- it's paying off! The alumni association invited we local alums to a Dodger Game- on them! Not just the game, but all-you-could-eat food and bus ride down and back. Now, turns out the bus ride thing wasn't my favorite. I got car sick (well, bus sick) on the way down and almost gave the whole bus a show as we were arriving at Dodger stadium. Greg took a picture of me, but oddly enough, I decided NOT to post it for public viewing. Once on solid ground though, I started feeling better and we had a great time.
Here are Brooke & Chris Kropf (our favorite neighbors who go to church with us) :)
Tom & Yetta Garwood (our favorite lovers of Ireland and fellow reflux parents)
Nate & Ashley Murray (Our favorite friends from Chapel Media Days)
And then of course, Gary, who likes to try and mess up my pictures. Gary is our favorite.... well... Gary.

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Mom Linda said...

I had NO IDEA that Yetta had another reflux child!

kimi said...


Polly Meredith said...

Thanks for coming! Let's do it again soon!
~ Polly

Sarah said...

This is the second blog post I've read about this game - how did you all hear about it? I'm an alum and I had no idea.