Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Trimester: Complete!

Yesterday was supposedly the 12 week mark, the end of my first trimester. I say supposedly because every different source gives you a different day-count. The doctor says one thing, the ultrasound another, and the ticker on this blog still another! They're all within a week or so of each other, so what does it matter. Anyway, I'm counting yesterday as the landmark day.

My new prescription was called in yesterday and will be picked up today. I look forward to giving it a try. I don't expect immediate relief even if it IS effective. I'm hoping for improvement within a week or so. (And trying to be prepared for it if there is no improvement too).

Yesterday I had a little break in the sick feeling for a little over an hour. I was able to get up and heat some soup up for myself without any problem and that was fun. I had a day like that last week too- a break from it all around lunch/ early afternoon. That must be my good time of day! It is usually when I have the best appetite. Then 4 o clock rolls around and everything changes. I am finding I can eat bigger portions of the things that sound good, so I might be gaining some weight! That's the good news. The bad news is that the late afternoons and evenings are stinky. The sick feeling during that time is more intense now than it was before.

Addie is feeling much, much better. She is back to her chipper little self. Greg looked at her this morning and thought she looked bigger, so he measured her and she was an inch and a half above the last mark on the growth chart!

I'll try and post in a few days about how the new medication is going. Hopefully I'll have good news!